Young research in international law actively participates in the conference of Toulouse and its preparation.
- Four young researchers are among the speakers or contributors to the proceedings of the conference.
- As part of the preparation for this scientific event, two events were organized:
On Friday June 26, 2020, "Outer space: the stakes for investment" (Organization: Lukas Rass Masson, Valère N’Dior, European School of Law and IDETCOM of the University of Toulouse Capitole) . The debates were based on the contributions of the five young researchers previously posted on SFDI’s Canal-U.
July 6, 2020 , "Outer space and war" (Organization: Clémentine Bories and Marina Eudes, IDETCOM from Toulouse Capitole University and CEDIN from Paris Nanterre University). It brought in five young researchers.
Each of these half-days led to the selection of one of the contributors, with a view to participating in the annual conference.
The contributions of the two half-days will be published together in spring 2021 at the Presses Universitaires de Toulouse, in the collection of the Institut Fédératif de Recherches: C. Bories, M. Eudes, L. Rapp, L. Rass-Masson, (eds.), International law of outer space: contemporary issues, Coll. from the Institut Fédératif de Recherches, University Press of Toulouse, 2021 .
For more information about the Réseau des Jeunes Chercheurs de la SFDI:
- Website:
- Link to the Canal-U channel of the SFDI:
- Facebook Page:
- Email: